Helpful tips for purchasing Analytical used equipment

Helpful tips for purchasing Analytical used equipment

Buying used analytical equipment is the best option, especially when you a fixed budget. Every year, federal funded research institution and state usually released good analytical equipment to the second-hand market. However, before you buy used analytical instruments, you must observe some essential buy tips for buying them. Here are five helpful tips for buying used analytical instrument:

Buy from an authorized dealer

If you are buying based on the price, you should know that other companies usually sell their used product in auction sites and liquidation sales. There is no guarantee that this product is in excellent condition to be used again. So, it is up to you to act professionally by purchasing from an authorized or expert seller.

Examine the record the analytical equipment

If you buy equipment that needs constant maintenance, it is advisable to copy their logged record for the service. Similar to other instruments, analytical equipment also comes with the missing and spotty record that could result in unexpected maintenances problems.

Request for the suitable references

If you want to purchase an Organic-Elemental-Analyzer (OEA), you should request for previous customer references who bought similar equipment. If you may find out more about different option if you speak to the customers, the sellers do not usually refer to, and if the entire references respond positive, you feel more secure to buy it.

Check the business record of a seller

Many companies know how to do it perfectly, while others do not, and that seller’s record is known as Better-Business-Bureau (BBB). Particularly, find out whether the company has resolved customer’s complaints thoroughly and if it hasn’t resolved, then you should do it straight away.

Inspect firsthand instrument

If you’ve decided to for costly instrument online, you should first inspect it. Alternative, if you are unable to travel to vender’s location, then you should request for a third party to check on your behalf. Other buyers usually learn it the hard way, especially when the internet hide any sign of breakage, wornness, warping etc. Since a used buy is typically the last purchase, you should inspect the equipment on them firsthand.

Analytical used equipment


If you choose the right procedure, you can buy quality used analytical instruments. However, many sellers of second-hand equipment are expert and also customer-oriented, but others are not. The above step will prevent from buying unworthy equipment. If you want to find much and more about used analytical equipment, do research on various product.

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