Comparison between mechanical and electrolytic polishing

Comparison between mechanical and electrolytic polishing

Do you want to know about the difference between mechanical and electrolytic polishing? In this article, we are going to talkabout the difference between mechanical and electrolytic polishing. Click here for copper polish machine singapore.

Mechanical polishing


The mechanical preparation of the surfaces can be conveniently divided into two stages:

1) Frosted; using abrasive techniques to produce a reasonably smooth and flat surface.

2) Polishing; using fine abrasives on pulleys to give a smooth and shiny surface.

Considerable efforts have been made to investigate the structure of the metal surfaces prepared by these methods, and it has been perfectly established that they lead to a severely deformed area close to the surface. This area has different properties from the base metal and is mainly produced by a creep process; this is; Under the intense mechanical action of polishing, the material of the peaks is forced to flow to fill the valleys. This surface layer is usually called the “Bielby layer”, in honor of its discoverer, and has a thickness of several microns, thickness that increases with the intensity of polishing. The resulting structure is practically amorphous and contains inclusions of oxides of the base metal and compounds used in polishing pastes. Visit this site for copper polish machine singapore.

It is understood then that the physicochemical properties of the surface layer obtained by mechanical polishing are different from the underlying metal, causing mechanical stresses which under certain conditions, can lead to corrosion processes.


The electropolishing works basically because, when the metal dissolves under the flow of current, a viscous layer of products of the solution is formed, which slowly diffuses into the electrolytic bath.

The thickness of this layer is not constant, being greater in the valleys; and as its electrical resistance is superior to that of the electropolishing solution, it leads to a preferential dissolution of the peaks, and to a leveling of the surface.

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